Directions to Twin Lakes Park
The Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival is held at Twin Lakes Park in Hempfield and Unity Townships, near Greensburg. Twin Lakes Park is just minutes from Westmoreland Mall.
Directions to Twin Lakes Park:
- From Route 30, turn onto Donohoe Road at the light for Westmoreland Mall in Greensburg. (This is a right turn if heading west and a left turn when traveling east)
- After turning, turn right to stay with Donohoe Road (passing the Phantom Fireworks on your left). Continue straight through the traffic light and two stop signs.
- Just after the second stop sign, make a left turn at the sign for Twin Lakes Park. Follow the signs to the Festival.
GPS Address: 219 Twin Lakes Road, Latrobe, PA 15650
Because parking around Twin Lakes Park is limited, we highly recommend that you take a shuttle bus.
Shuttle Bus Locations
All shuttles operate from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday, with the last bus leaving at the pick-up locations at 7 p.m. to travel to the Festival on Thursday through Saturday, and 5 p.m. on Sunday. Handicap-accessible buses and handicap parking are available at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. Shuttle bus locations are subject to change without notice.
Directions to St. Vincent College:
From Route 30, turn onto St. Vincent Drive in Latrobe. Follow signs for “Festival Shuttle Bus .”
Directions to the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg:
From Route 30 take the Mount Pleasant Road exit. Follow signs for “Festival Shuttle Bus .” The University is off Mount Pleasant Road. UPG Campus Map
Directions to Greensburg Walmart:
From Route 30 turn into Greengate Centre (Walmart). Follow signs for “Festival Shuttle Bus”. Parking for the bus shuttle is located behind Panera Bread.
Bus and van fees are $4 per round trip. Children under 12 ride free.
Payment will be made at the bus ticket booth near the exit prior to boarding for the return trip.