Directions to Twin Lakes Park

The Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival is held at Twin Lakes Park in Hempfield and Unity Townships, near Greensburg. Twin Lakes Park is just minutes from Westmoreland Mall.

Directions to Twin Lakes Park:

  1. From Route 30, turn onto Donohoe Road at the light for Westmoreland Mall in Greensburg. (This is a right turn if heading west and a left turn when traveling east)
  2. After turning, turn right to stay with Donohoe Road (passing the Phantom Fireworks on your left). Continue straight through the traffic light and two stop signs.
  3. Just after the second stop sign, make a left turn at the sign for Twin Lakes Park. Follow the signs to the Festival.

GPS Address: 219 Twin Lakes Road, Latrobe, PA 15650

Because parking around Twin Lakes Park is limited, we highly recommend that you take a shuttle bus.


Shuttle Bus Locations

All shuttles operate from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday, with the last bus leaving at the pick-up locations at 7 p.m. to travel to the Festival on Thursday through Saturday, and 5 p.m. on Sunday. Handicap-accessible buses and handicap parking are available at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. Shuttle bus locations are subject to change without notice.

Directions to St. Vincent College:

From Route 30, turn onto St. Vincent Drive in Latrobe. Follow signs for “Festival Shuttle Bus .”

Directions to the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg:

From Route 30 take the Mount Pleasant Road exit. Follow signs for “Festival Shuttle Bus .” The University is off Mount Pleasant Road. UPG Campus Map

Directions to Greensburg Walmart:

From Route 30 turn into Greengate Centre (Walmart). Follow signs for “Festival Shuttle Bus”. Parking for the bus shuttle is located behind Panera Bread.

Bus and van fees are $4 per round trip. Children under 12 ride free.

Payment will be made at the bus ticket booth near the exit prior to boarding for the return trip.